Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fast Week ! Woooh !

Where has this week gone? It passed by in a blur as I grabbed the opportunity for some Christmas shopping without little ones in tow (such a feeling of liberation while other mothers were juggling strollers, hungry newborns, screaming toddlers and then the shopping!), also filling in orders for handspun yarn and other items.

Sadly our sheep ended up at the saleyards (sniff!) including the gorgeous coloured ewe lamb I liked so much. At the moment we are on a smaller block and are not needing to be so tied down to animals. Perhaps in the future we can go down that road again.

I've managed to get in just a little sock knitting and have started spinning this Berries & Chocolate merino top - such a nice colour combination. The smokey purple is a very similar shade to the blue moon rose in my garden at the moment. Good therapy!


Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy...Just couldn't go without commenting on your devine rovings and yarns. They're just beautiful! All the best, Ruth

Anonymous said...

Love that colourway, it is simply stunning! Cheers Tye x

That Spinning Place said...

Thanks for that !!!