Friday, July 20, 2007

Humbugs and Cardigan Action

More fibrey goodies (NAUGHTY!!!). Humbug BFL and silk roving (top left), humbug shetland (top centre), humbug BFL (top right) and humbug jacob roving (bottom of top photo). The jacob, in particular, is calling my name. I've been wanting to try the wool of this sheep breed since I was about 14 years old reading up on sheep books. (Weird adolescent?? or die-hard fibre-holic??) MUST GET SOME SPINNING ACTION HAPPENING SOON!!
Above is evidence of cardigan knitting action, a top priority due to the COLD weather and COLD house. More info soon.

Unfortunately can't make it to the Sheep & Wool Show at Bendigo, VIC. Poo. Bum. Wee. Regardless of footy etc commitments, I am going next year for sure, WHETHER I HAVE TO DRAG HUSBAND AND CHILDREN 1000 KM TO GET THERE, OR NOT!!!

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