Friday, January 19, 2007

15 Years !!!

Yesterday morning we woke up to the kids bringing in a tray with breakfast cereal and the all important cup of tea. It was our fifteen year wedding anniversary, and they had coloured in decorations which they had stuck with sticky tape all over the walls outside our bedroom door (luckily we hadn't yet painted the walls since we moved in). Our son had also wrapped up a block of chocolate he had pinched from the cupboard, and which we had been searching for over the previous two days (and blaming each other for its disappearance, of course!) They also did a concert for us on toy instruments, with the four year old vocalist of the family standing on the coffee table in all her glory (in only bright pink enormous underpants, as the weather was still very hot).

They are better at remembering these things than I am. I have been known to forget our wedding anniversaries. This is, of course, the Fawlty Towers anniversary milestone. As Sybil Fawlty said, "Fifteen years! When I think what I could have had..." One of our favourite shows...

We then took ourselves off without the kids to see a movie, but due to my mistake, missed our session time! So had a nice time wandering around pretending we had no responsibilities of children at home, then went to a music store where I spotted it! My dream guitar!! Claret coloured Takamine steel string - only entry level guitar but with a nice tone. Guess what I got to celebrate 15 years of marriage... It has been named Jeffrey, little Taka. But does the world really need more guitarists?

Bit of spinning: two bobbins of fine spinning, merino, in "earthen wear" colours. To be plied soon, and we'll see what it becomes...


Merry Munchkin Designs said...

Congratulations!! My gish 15 years! You now you can get parole for good behaviour on a life sentence after that many years dont you.......

The world can always use more guitarists, you go for it!

Cheers from the MMD Household x

Ruth.... said...

Oh Gish!! ;) A guitarist as well as a spinner! Multi talented! As the saying goes...spin fine-takes time. Patient as well! Looking forward to the finished photo..all the best for the next 15 years, Regards, Ruth.